Breast Cancer + BRCA

A featured selection of articles on Breast Cancer, the BRCA gene, and Cold Caps

Decoding Your Diagnosis

Decoding Your Diagnosis - Breast Cancer Types

It’s not enough that it feels like the rug was pulled out from under you with the news you have breast cancer. Now, all sorts of terminology describing specifics of said breast cancer is being thrown at you.

In this series of “Decoding Your Diagnosis” articles, we’re giving you a cliff’s notes version of that terminology, because we believe that understanding the type, grade, stage, and characteristics of your tumor can give you a better understanding of why your doctor is suggesting certain tr

Decoding Your Diagnosis - Grade and Stage

When getting your complete diagnosis, or in some cases a full pathology report (translation: detailed breakdown of your tumor), you will hear terms such as “grade” and “stage” of your cancer. Grading and staging are distinctly different things, and important because they help inform the type of treatment recommended. Here, we’ll define them for you as simply as possible.

A cancer’s grade is assigned by looking at the cancer cells under a microscope, using tissue from a biopsy or after breast ca

Decoding Your Diagnosis - Hormone And HER2 Status

We’ve covered most of the info in your pathology report, but there is one more incredibly important piece to that puzzle - the characteristics of your tumor. Namely, its hormone and HER2 receptor status. Many people don’t realize that there are different kinds of breast cancer; I sure didn’t. So, when I was diagnosed as having “triple negative” breast cancer, I had no idea what that meant. Turns out, breast cancer is not one size fits all… who knew!?

Let’s get right into it.

Two out of three b

Breast Reconstruction 

The BRCA Gene: Breaking it Down

Breaking Down BRCA: What is the BRCA gene mutation and why does it matter?

The BRCA gene mutation. Maybe you have it. Maybe a family member has it. Maybe you’ve heard about it because Angelina Jolie has it. No matter how you know about it, it’s important to know what it is because there’s a lot of misinformation out there. Here are the facts:

What even is the BRCA gene mutation anyway?

In order to best answer that, we’re going to have to drop some science on you. We promise to keep it simple.

Most genes come in pairs, and we inherit one copy from each parent, so all

Got BRCA? You’ve Got Options.

You just learned you’re a carrier of the BRCA gene mutation. We’re here to arm you with information.

Go ahead, cry it out. Yell about how unfair it is… because it is. But then remember that a positive test result indicating that you carry the BRCA gene mutation does not mean you will necessarily develop cancer. And it can’t predict when you might. It does mean that you’re at a much higher risk for it. Of course that is anything but great news, but there is a positive side: You now have empoweri

You Have Breast Cancer, and a BRCA Gene Mutation

Learning that you have breast cancer — and carry the BRCA gene mutation — is overwhelming, to say the least. But it can also affect the course of treatment suggested for you, and the success of its outcome. And that’s a little bit of a score, in our book.

If you already know you carry the BRCA gene, that information is crucial to share with your doctor. If you don’t know, but any of the entries on this list apply to you, link to the what is BRCA gene article speak to your medical team about tak